Women don’t know whether to
trust what they feel or not. Are you confused over whether feelings are factual
or if they are fictional? You’re not alone. Women struggle where to draw the
line between believing what they think and questioning it.
On one hand, feelings can be
red flags in the beginning or in the midst of the relationship. Red flags can
be emotional, physical, or spiritual warnings of what is happening or what is
yet to be.
Emotional red flags are
feelings you get while in the relationship—constant worry, dread, wondering,
suspicion, anxiety, depression, or obsession. Often other people in your life
quickly notice the emotional red flags and they point out that you have changed
since the relationship began—and not for the good. Lots of times women don’t
want to hear about their emotional changes since being in the relationship.
Other times, women already KNOW they are having emotional red flags about him
or aspects of the relationship. In either case, it’s important to know that
RELATIONSHIP. Many women notice that the red flags they had at the beginning of
the relationship ARE the reasons the relationship eventually ended. So,
emotional red flags can be great tools and are often accurate.
Waiting for feelings to “become
facts” before you act on them can be very dangerous. In the case of emotional
red flags (and your intuition), responding NOW instead of later can help you
exit the relationship quickly. By the time a feeling IS A FACT, many things
could have happened. (For more information on red flags, see the first few
chapters of How to Spot a Dangerous Man.)
always an “other hand” isn’t there?)—women wonder if the intense feelings they are
having are an indicator of “true love”. Why else would they be having them? A
woman often experiences confusing emotions when trouble starts in the
relationship. She either becomes confused when the relationship turns bad or
she becomes confused when she has ended the relationship. This confusion takes
the form of “if he was so mean to me, why do I still have feelings for him? I
must still love him if I can’t stop thinking about him, even if he did bad things.
Do my feelings mean I should get back together with him?”
In these cases, feelings are
not facts. It is human nature to seek attachment and bonding. When that is
ripped away there is an emptiness that happens. Women often think that means
that they were in love if they experience the aftermath of loss when it just really
means you are feeling the loss.
Women often think that since
they “miss the good times of the relationship,” they must miss him. Most often,
what women are actually missing are the feelings that were generated in the
relationship when it was good. Women miss that feeling of being “in love” or
“attached” or “wanted and desired” or “safe and secure.” When women can sort
out what they really miss, they often can see that HE represented those
feelings she was having. She misses the feelings of the illusion of being in a
good relationship. Missing “him” might
not really be “missing him.” Who is “him”—the dangerous man/cheater/liar/pathological?
You miss that “him”? No. You miss the
feelings of being in love.
Tell yourself: “What I am
missing are the feelings of being in a good relationship.” Remind yourself of
that when you misinterpret those feelings as meaning you “want him back.” Often
that isn’t the case. Recognize that this very “feeling” thing is what propels
women right back out there seeking to feel loved again, and attach to those
feelings you are missing. It places women at high risk of repeating the same mistake.
Here—try this. Draw a line
down the middle of a paper. On one side, list the feelings you miss having. On
the other side, list the dangerous man traits/behaviors/incidents. Now take a
look. Which do you really miss?
Feelings can be accurate when
we are getting red flags in the relationship. Feelings can be inaccurate when
we are gauging whether to return to the relationship because we think we “miss”
him when in fact, what we miss are the feelings that were generated in the
relationship. Feelings can be inaccurate when we are gauging the intensity and equate
that with love or something healthy in the relationship. Understanding the importance
of “feelings” in all stages of a relationship can help you recognize just what your feelings are telling you and
when to heed them and when to be a little suspicious of their messages to you!
(**If we can support you in your recovery process, please let us
know. The Institute is the largest provider of recovery-based
services for survivors of pathological love relationships. Information
about pathological love relationships is in our award-winning book, Women Who Love Psychopaths, and is also
available in our retreats, 1:1s, or phone sessions. See the website for
more information.)
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